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Create an Account and Register  your WingMate Tag using the form below.

Create a WingMate Account

Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database
Cloud Database by Caspio

HOw to register account

  1. Fill out the registration/update information form with the information you want to be displayed on your WingMate tag. Only items labeled with an * are required .
  2. Click Update when complete and proceed to enter your new WingMate Tag information.

If submitted successfully, you will be sent an email with the information you entered.

Please update your information as necessary, but at least once a year to maintain your WingMate database service. 

Notice to Android/Windows Users:

Placing a WingMate sticker on your devices' NFC antenna will cause erroneous NFC readings. See TUTORIALS for more information.

NFC Sticker placement example
Copyright WingMate 2015.
WingMate is a Trademark of Pilot Expressions and All Rights Reserved.